Monday, February 27, 2012

Gas Climbs For 20th Day. At a National high of $3.70 a Gallon.

Only a month ago the national average for a gallon of gasoline was $3.41. But it is more then $4 a gallon in some spots like Alaska and Hawaii. Most gas prices are just under $4 dollars in Connecticut and Washington D.C. and the lowest prices are in Wyoming and Colorado with $3.20 a gallon. Its amazing to see how just a hick hop in the middle east can cause such chaos he for us on the United States. The gas prices have been rising on the back of the oil prices, which have risen nearly 10% in the last month due to the tension in Iran and the tightening of supply. The rising of economy and stock market have also played a major role in the rising oil prices. With all the tension of rising gas prices, many politicians are speaking out on how they would lower gas prices. Newt Gingrich stated in a debate "he would get gas prices down to $2.50 a gallon" this sure sounds nice Newt but good luck implementing such a thing. Newt who is struggling to stay in this political game will say anything he needs to gain a vote. With the rising gas price would you change you driving habits? Buy a car thats better on gas efficiency? During the spring and summer months I drive the yellow smart car that you see in my blog profile. Its a great little car and sure starts a controversy in a minute. people yell out "are you scared of me" as they drive by in there Toyota Tundras. What do you think of Smart Cars?

1 comment:

  1. I love the car! Wish I had one. I hadn't thought about what passersby might say about a driver of one. Do you think they have done a good job marketing the Smart Car? I still don't see many on the roads.
